The Allie's

The Allie's

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mommy Monday-Bunny Cupcakes

Every Monday we have Mommy Monday. This is a day devoted to just me and my boys. We come straight home from school and find something fun to do. This week, we made Bunny Cupcakes. They were a lot of work but so much fun!
Corbin is hard at work putting sprinkles on the cupcakes to look like grass.

Max is stacking up donuts to put bodies and heads on the bunnies. Here is the finished product.
Max is ready to eat one.
Check out Corbin's big smile!

Redneck Garden

We have always enjoyed having a garden. We don't always have the best garden but we always like doing the work to plant and take care of one. Last year, when Corbin got Buddy for his birthday, we decided not to plant a garden. We knew a garden with a new puppy wasn't a good idea. A year later, we still have a puppy who likes to tear up stuff, even though he is actually a year old now. So, we knew a garden wasn't a good idea for us this year either. I really wanted some fresh vegetables, though, especially since I have been doing Weight Watchers and eat so much of that now. Our solution, plant our garden in pots. We had some old pots laying around and Lowe's had Burpee plants on sale so we bought some peppers, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower and spinach. Here's hoping our redneck garden produces lots of fresh veggies!